Wednesday 17 June 2020


The Almighty has given us this beautiful life as a long journey to the earth and back to heaven. It is full of agathokakalogical elements and hence We have to think upon , wait and negotiate. It's a long journey and it bears the fruit depending upon our deeds or  KARMA. God has sent us on this journey with an objective or a goal to make us a perfect human being and to prove his creation right. As , We come on the Earth, From the very first moment , our life , our journey starts which ends as we die. We come here in the form of Infants but evolution takes place , and gradually we proceed on in our journey , with growth and maturation. As the Child crosses the age of 10 , he is engulfed in the materialistic world ,and he is taught how to chase success but is never taught to tackle failure. He is always hit by high expectations right from the beginning of his academic career and If failure comes in front of him , he is not able to cope up with it and ends up getting depressed. He is sad and sorrow grips him badly such that it incarnates into fear , which is of continuous failures. These things cause the Child's brain to react negatively to it and thoughts of suicide arise in the mind. He is very badly hit and loses his mental stability which has drastic consequences. These consequences shatter the whole family and their , dreams , objectives and goals are dashed into the dirt. The High and Impulsive expectations of the parents make the child coward due to which , in times of failures , he can't stand courageously , facing it and instead end up in giving up their lives. In the current scenario or rather in the current generation , it has become a huge problem and a fault where the children are getting introvert and never speak up to their parents or kins due to which the the invisible load inside them , takes the form of death. This life is very precious and it gives us a chance to prove our mettle to everyone out there , in the world of competetion. They commit suicide because they are afraid of failures , They commit suicide because they fear of what the society will think about them and lastly , They commit suicide because they don't have the self belief that they will rise again , fight and win against all the odds and even the most adverse situation but they forget these words that the result never decides whether we are a failure or a winner but our diligence , our effort and our hard try decides we win or lose. Pierre de Coubertin , The founder of Modern Olympics once said " Winning or losing in the Olympics has no importance but What matters the most is your effort and try which you induct while you participate."
The youngsters today have become so coward that they never disclose anything to their parents and then take wrong steps which is very dear to them for their whole life. They have lost the tendency to speak up , boldly . Parents , too tell or teach their children how to succeed but they never teach their children as to how to deal with failures. They always keep conditions in the form of incentives in front of their child who is going to give an exam . They have too much expectations from their children which they fail to cope up. They say " Son , I will gift you a car when you clear this exam " . Keeping , this common statements in my mind , I interrogate them that Is this the correct way to encourage them just for the sake that when they succeed , the whole colony will come and congratulate you and you will become a famous person because of your son's achievement. You , never said " Son , If you fail , then also I will gift you a grand watch. The parents of the modern times need to change the way they think about the success and failures . I  am a youngster but I am proud of my parents as they didn't only teach only me to be successful but also taught me as to how to deal with failure. They didn't burden me with me their expectations and let me free in this open world where I could think and relax. A tip for parents : Instead of penetrating your eyes in your mobile phones , Talk to your kids and make them feel that there is someone who can help them in any problems. Don't judge them when they are tensed or are undergoing a period of failure. Always , try to act as friends to them and keep inspiring them with your experiences in order to avoid emptiness which they feel when they have failed

                    The Children in the current scenario , too are the culprits of the drastic consequences that take place. They have become very sophisticated now days and are shattered easily in the face of adversity. To avoid this , They should inculcate mental toughness as it plays the role of an anchor when you are stuck in a difficult situation . It makes you more resilient and makes you feel more strong and hence you will always face any difficult situation in the world. Today , the biggest cause of suicides is the depression which doesn't have any logical reason but it's just a state of mind where everything turns out to be negative and nothing goes good. If not disclosed outside , especially in youngsters , it gobbles up your inner self and makes you hollow or empty from inside. You feel , that this is the end and finally , you give up - But , remember , your parents didn't give up in nurturing you . They fought and hence you should . According to a study , nearly 6 lac youngsters commit suicide every year , out of which 1.5 lac are Indians . In India , your career is given the utmost importance and respect such that the youngsters feel their lives as cheaper than their studies. Under the immense pressure of their studies , when they keep on failing due to the vast syllabus , they give up and commit suicides. But Why ?? , Does it take no pain bring you up from that mere age till now ?? , Then , Why you all leave this earth at those mere ages of 20 and 25 and make this earth , a hell place for your parents ?? . We all know , that careers and studies are very important but interestingly, it comprises nearly 20 % of your life. The youngsters now days , are socially very weak due to which they fail to convey their shortcomings and problems to their parents . They are too much engaged in the technology that they don't even know what meditation and Yoga is . They have superficial knowledge but don't have any practical knowledge due to which they fail to implement the ethics or the moral code when they move out for studies. At times , studying becomes too much hectic and can cause depression but keeping your mind calm and tranquil at that time is the best way to overcome it . Doing Yogasanas , Meditation , Pranayama will remove all the negativity and will spring out the fountain of positivity in your mind.  If any adversity greets you , fight with it like a warrior not like a coward . Never give up and keep fighting until win. This world is a fiend's place and will never commemorate when you do good but don't be sad. Always do your deeds and the Almighty will bear you the fruits. When you have met failure , it's just because of your shortcoming or your irresponsibility and thus , keeping This in mind always have the courage to admit in front of anyone . You may be going through a string of failures but keep trying hard and I am sure, One day or the other you will rise.  In the current scenario , the youngsters who fail , give up in a single try and fear to tread further . They display their cowardice and hence give up fro life , instead of battling out the adversity. It's the biggest problem in the current generation and we all need to find a solution for it. From , the time when we are born to the age of 14 , we are in our comfort zone. Once , we step out from there , We enter the world of competition , where the circumstance are totally different but we should increase our adaptability skills . The whole life is full of thorns but remember , the killer attitude will always keep the fire inside you alive but once you give up, This conjuring world will never forgive you. They will never support you and will misjudge you but to be strong is the winner's attitude. No one will make you depressed unless you consider their words.
 " Just become dumb to this ghastly world and march on with a free mind "
Enjoy your life and never show cowardice......  

9-Year-Old Child Development Milestones


  1. well written brother.......very gd

  2. Keep it up Snehal !! Very well penned down .. I m sure all the youngsters will get motivation from your article and they will learn to fight !! God bless you .

    1. Thank u very much maam . I am hoping that they may get inspired

  3. waooooooooooo snehu !! its was really an awsome article ............based on the present situation..........very motivating and inspiring for all the youngsters of this generation and parents also wishes ..........god bless u .........may u have a great future u bhai

    1. Thank u so much di for your apreciation . I will surely will be succesful , If I have your blessings... just , make sure my article reaches each and every parent...

    2. Didi I need your Ashirvad too....

      आप बड़े बुजुर्ग है 🙏

      आपका आशीर्वाद रहेगा तो हम सारे भाई जीवन में सफलता प्राप्त करेंगे ।

      दीदी प्रणाम 🙏

  4. Very very well said is a mind blowing article and it'll surely help and encourage many youngsters not to let depression become so huge that they feel dying better than living their lives...🙏🙏❤️❤️

  5. Its a very good article bro which will encourage the youngsters not to let depression overtake their thoughts and let them live even facing and defeating faliures...



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