Wednesday 27 May 2020


It has been 4 months since this deadly pandemic broke out . We are really missing those honking of vehicles and the shrilling voice of our little wonders. The streets are deserted and so remain the educational institution. This deadly pandemic has grippe the conscience of the common  people and has touched deeply the beautiful springs of our normal making cold everyone who comes in its way. There seems to be absolutely no solution for this pandemic and the cases , as usual continue to rise. Mother earth is healthy and fit again but has made her dear children sorrowful and sick. The whole world is putting up the fight against the virus and each of us is hoping to get rid of this deadly pandemic.
    Countries like UK, China, Japan have started the preparation of the vaccine which recently underwent the clinical examinations and trials  but failed to show any positive signs to fight or cure for this virus. Scientists from all over the world are involved in it but none of them have yet succeed. Everyday , the government is issuing laws, norms and regulations at a daily basis but no solutions seem to come our way. Over 346 thousands deaths in the world, we have come to a halt and so our lives. Many countries are going to face economical crisis in the future and some of them even have started facing it too. Every power is lame and helpless against this deadly pandemic. Every country in the world , though have eased some restrictions in the world but they are of no use and it is causing more harm to them. According to the WHO , the places where the cases have gone down may record a hike and the numbers are very likely to increase. Many Asian as well as European countries have been badly hit and their economy has suffered huge losses. Asian countries like Japan and India have recorded about 5 % decline in their aggregate economy and at the end of this they may come down to a whopping 40 - 45 % which may cause heavy unemployment in the nation and the poverty rate may go higher. This deadly pandemic has disturbed the whole chain  of living on this earth and has made it very difficult for the common man to live. With the hike in the number of cases on a daily basis , the superpowers such as USA , Russia and Italy have ran out of beds in their respective hospitals and don't even have a proper place to dispose of dead bodies . On the other hand countries like India , Bangladesh and united kingdom have done an excellent job in stopping the spread wherein the government of the respective countries has done its job with full responsibility and their citizens itself have risen to the occasion. There are countries which are running short of PPE kits and other medical accessories but there are some countries too who have started making indigeneous kits and the most prominent examples is India , wherein our industries have started preparing nearly 2 lakhs PPE kits daily which in itself is a huge success.
      Though there are some positives  but still we can say that humanity is stuck in a quagmire and time is just passing by . Each moment which passes leaves behind a message of our failure as to how backlogged we are. In-spite of numerous efforts , we have failed to cure this pandemic and now the biggest question arises here which says that "DO WE NEED TO LEAD OUR LIFE ALONSIDE THIS COVID 19 ?? " Since, too much time has passed and we still stand aimlessly in the way of death. It may happen that we may fail to find any solution of it as it seems now and we may have to spend our whole life alongside this deadly pandemic. We are heading towards the worst of consequences, where its beyond human imagination. Even the WHO experts claim that it is 200 % possible , that we may have to live with it . The positive that we can squeeze out of here is the fact that after few years , it will become as normal as tuberculosis and people may not fear as they do now. It will become just like a common cold and flu then and the conditions may improve.
but , In short , the whole world has been severely affected by this deadly " HEALTH DISASTER " and has taken many innocent lives. Its not only the lives that has gone but many people among us have lost their everything, be it money or their home . It has fired all our hopes and dreams and we stand in a situation of utter chaos.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank u papa, it's my pleasure to receive the comment from you

  2. all ur articles are great .......they jst define the whole scenerio of the world...........superb wrk Snehal keep this great wrk on....

    1. thanks satyam bhai, You have always supported me , just keep supporting and appriciating me always

  3. words for your fine vocabulary which you are using in your articles..your views on such important topics are gr8...may god bless you and your work...����

  4. well done snehal.....proud to have a friend like u.......all the best for your upcoming articles......keep inspiring everyone...

  5. Brilliant Snehu! Summed up at one place and the situation is absolutely the same round the globe. Keep it up!

  6. Good work 👍👍KEEP IT UP



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