Saturday 23 May 2020


India and China are one of the fiercest rivals in the history of the world. Divided by the Himalyan range, both these country hold a position of very high esteem in the international arena. They are one of the most prestigious countries in the world and have astonished the whole world with their explicit defense, tactical and economical skills and plans. Though, both have a rich history but always share a relationship filled with small fights and quarrels at the border. Both countries share a disputed international border whose mystery remains yet to be solved but the long run of extreme competencies , supremacy continues to woe the world.
                                                             India and china , both rivals are very well developed countries. Having one of the best defense warheads , they are one of the strongest countries in the world. China, is an economical superpower whom with its extreme marvel of engineering has produced some of the finest quality of goods and merchandise in the world and undoubtedly accounts for 12.4 % of the world exports. It's exports have ruled the world for many years and continue to do so. China's export has jumped in the last 10 years to a whopping 15 % which is indeed an astonishing number. In other words, we can say that it is a production house for the whole world and the world's best superpowers are dependent on it for numerous goods which are not at all possible to produce in an indigenous manner. Having a 42.3 trillion economy , it has showed this world its economic excellence which it has been able to gain in a very short period of time.
                     Ranging from medical equipments  and  the electronic appliances, China is a storehouse of each and  every single product . Though China is a production powerhouse but it still produces some of the goods which are not up to the mark. It has ultimately robbed the world economy. It has produced some of the goods which are not designed with perfection and quality and has ultimately led to loss of may countries. They have been primarily lacking in the durability which is undoubtedly a defining factor while we purchase goods. Many, huge countries like India, USA ,Russia have suffered losses after trading with china and thus The our nation, India determines to stop the nuisance. India, is an economically a weak country in front of China but still with its die hard attitude has successfully been able to stop China's mission of global victory.India has recently embarked on its campaign of self - reliance where it has the potential to become a production powerhouse surpassing China. India in the last 6 years has manged to increase its GDP rate with an increase to whopping 7.2 %. Moreover, India has a young and varnished population which can take their nation to heights of glory. India, has a huge population and hence has a great manpower due to which we can open production units with maximum result in less no of time. India , is a home to a young creativity which makes it a startup hub in the world . India's startups  have been efficient and have been successful in the past 20 years which is a sign of positivity as well as of longevity. India seems to be growing at a very fast rate which is arguably a bad sign for China's economy. India's economical graph is climbing high day by day. India's production is getting bigger and more vast with every product being manufactured with perfection. India is now a home to one of the largest indigenous products. China's menace is sure to be stopped by the might of our efficient production units. Every Indian now believes that we can now become a production powerhouse. When , we are making our own merchandise then it would be unjust to buy and trade with China. We have to boycott each and every Chinese merchandise slowly and gradually. By our aggressive yet effective nationalism , we can prohibit the the influx of Chinese goods into our country. One day, the whole world will look upon us with pride and satisfaction and will sing the hymn of our glory whereas China will lay in our feet helplessly. The dragon which bragged and kicked India away will now see the power of its unity , togetherness and diligence where we will become the largest production house of the world. Every country will now trade with India and China will be boycotted and neglected in every field.




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