Thursday 14 May 2020


India has been know for its rich cultural heritage and diversity from a time immemorial. Unity in diversity and togetherness has been the basis for our progression. During, the medieval period, our nation was at its peak where we had the the world's best scholar and scientist who through their rich knowledge endowed this country and the world with some of the finest theories. But as time progressed, our nation was cwtched in the hands of many foreign invaders who plundered our rich wealth and our degradation started then, For, many years , we remained helpless and our progression had been badly hit. There was an ominous power which was reeling in the country and our unity had suddenly been shaken.
                                   India's manufacturing units were defenestrated and invaders  took over and established their industries which was a huge loss for the nation. Earlier, what we use to develop ourselves was now being manufactured by the enemies. India's economy was dashed in dirt and our dreams of becoming a powerhouse was shattered badly. Though may great leaders tried to regain its glory by inducing numerous indigenous schemes and gadgets , but failed against the might of the invaders. After independence , we were free and gradually , we started regrouping our unity and started the progression march.
                                                With the starting of this 20th century, our nation saw some stalwart leaders who with their full might and power started pulling the country on the path of greatness and longevity. They, sacrificed everything for our country and helped us to make our name in the international arena. Till, 2004 Shri Atal Vihari Vajpayee led the country with sheer grit and determination. Under his guidance and leadership , India became a nuclear country with the succesful testing of the nuclear bomb in pokhran in 1998. After his resignation, India has received Mr Modi as , a great leader who, i am sure is working quite well for the country. Under his excellent leadership, India conquerd new military heights where we have developed some of the best UAVs and fighter jets . DRDO , our defence agency has produced some of the mind boggling weapons, including some of the high class air to air missiles and air interception and sensing units. We , as a nation are advancing with a good pace and we are sure to become a powerhouse.
                                         In defence and tactical units , our nation proudly stands with some of the world's best countries. India , still lacks a good production units and has able export about 1percent out of the total in the world. We , need to pace up the production and  supply units and should also mantain the indigenous quality of the products. We have to advertise more and more about the products of our companies which will help to boost their confidence which will provide log lasting and effective result.
                               When we talk about industries, Our nation is the home to one of the finest industries in the world where we provide and export top quality products refined with the amazing technologies. Textile,automobile , service sectors and electronics are one of the most competent and advanced industries in the world which currently are part of 50% of India's economy. We have been able to fight out even the best companies in the world and are ranked in the top 10. The quality of automobiles and the fabrics made in our country is one the finest of its type and have leaders at the world level.
               Seeing, this enormous amount of invention and technological advancement in the counrty, we can say that the sparkling future of our country is not far away. We , as an ultimate nation will work diligently nad help our nation to accomplish and acheieve the beautiful dream of an "ATMA NIRBHAR BHARAT".



  1. It's awesome and surely our country will succeed. Proud of you my friend....

    1. thank u very much bro. It's my pleasure to see u here..

  2. Keep the good work going 👍

    1. thank u very much, btw who are u ??

    2. I'm Ansh, Shreya's cousin.

    3. ok good, thank u ansh bhaiya for appreciating me

  3. Keep up the good work. Good to see you in this platform.

  4. Amazing article, I am absolutely stunned



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