Monday 8 June 2020


Since 4 months, the whole world is involved in battling out the outbreak of the pandemic. From then to now, There seems to be no solutions at all and we stand still , in the mist of uncertainty. This pandemic has caused a lot to the world , mostly which comprise a negative impact which are expected to affect this world badly in the near future. For instance, The world economy is on a standstill and in the future will be degenerated and disintegrated badly , which is for sure is an alarming call for all those people working in private sectors and companies. Everyone , living right now has only one goal and that is to overcome this inauspicious situation as soon as possible. The whole world has been badly affected by this pandemic and the scar of this catastrophe will continue to darken and woe this world to a very long time. After the complete eradication of this pandemic , How the world will look , is really interesting to know but indeed , not certain.Which countries will rise and which would fall is not easy to know but is easy to predict by the prevailing conditions. How , the world powerhouses will recover themselves , is not a toddler's thing to know but can be predicted by having a glimpse on the world statistically demography.
        The post Corona era , will indeed bring waves of negative consequences but to stand against it , face to face will be the best idea. After , this problem ends , the poverty rate across the globe will record a hike as many of us would be rendered jobless and may homeless too , if we don't acquire adequate enough money. Many private companies have been shut in this time and have become bankrupt due to which they have been forced to curtail the income and salaries of it's employees. In the future , unemployment will certain increase and many of them will be kicked out of the companies. Countries like China , India and USA are going to suffer from the unemployment and the governments of the respective countries must resolve on this serious matter. The second scenario that we are going to address is the boost to the pharmacies across the globe. Due to the exceeding conditions of COVID - 19 , it is expected that , this may prevail alongside our daily routine due to which we need to take precautions including wearing face masks , applying sanitizers and take drugs such as HCQs . These conditions will encourage all pharma companies to multiply their production resulting in a revenue hike and profit. This post corona era promises to be the golden chance for different pharma companies to get on top of the global share and to show the world their might. Indian pharma companies are looking forward to this booming opportunity and are very keen to win this economic battle. They have been putting all their efforts and I am sure that they are very much near to victory as this corona eradicates.
               This whole era will bring an awakening light in the political arena of the world. The whole world will see the emergence of new superpowers and production houses . They will take over their predecessors and will march on this enlighten path of competition and rivalry. China, was the first country to get rid of this virus due to which it could play it's economical game. It has a huge population who work there as bonded and laborers due to which it has a mammoth man power. Moreover, Chinese research and development is too fast and currently possesses one of the best machinery in the world. Due to all these factors, the whole world relied on it for the import of numerous medical supplements and undoubtedly , it prepared and manufactured in bulk. The whole world was consuming from China but as soon as it's truth of it's dirty politics was exposed , The whole world decided to boycott it which has made a pathway for India to explore it's way right through up to the paramount of success. India's industrial might has always been admired and it holds a huge chance of getting the production orders from huge and reputed companies. Once , the India companies will start manufacturing for the reputed companies, it will provide it an edge over China. moreover, it will give a huge chance for the Indian companies to regain the glory. Indian pharma companies will edge out Chinese companies as we produce the drugs at a very low cost and don't think of any profit. After the growth of manufacturing in India , we will now start growing our research and development as well which will help us to expand our revenue as we will be able to export more indigeneous products. India has a great oppurtunity and if cling on to it, then there is no one in this world to stop us from becoming a 5 trillion economy. The post Corona era will bring a light of redemption and a an era of awakening in India and it depends on us and our government as to how we respond to it.
                  The post Corona era , will also bring about a change in the mindsets of the people and  , will change our whole lifestyle. People, would surely become more cautious and social distancing will become mandatory. People, would avoid close contact and washing hands after every activity wouldn't be neglected. People, suffering from breathing problems would undergo regular assessments and test . There will be a hike in the sales of HCQs and Hand sanitizers just like it is today and in every country new rules and regulations will be framed , keeping in mind the norms of social distancing .
               Sports like Kabbadi , Kho - Kho and wrestling may be banned for some time as they are games which involve to much physical contact. This will be a huge loss for the sports arena and the organizing committee will not be able to gather funds. Football , Cricket will be played in empty situation which for sure will bring down the confidence of players and playing would become a bit monotonous.
             Education, will be badly hit as the schools and colleges may fail to open for a very long time due to too much gathering. School managements will be on their toes to complete the syllabi of various classes. Schools , may start on odd even basis but it will bring more chaos and the the whole study chain will be disorganize. The school will also suffer losses as the government has odered them not to take any fees.



  1. most of the predictions are going to be true.....but we have to be cautious and helpful to everyone, as far as possible........your articles are very encouraging n inspiring......keep it up

  2. Very informative :) Your articles are very encouraging n inspiring......keep it up @ Nirmalya Sinha

  3. Really, Economic conditions will also be badly affected..... Keep encouraging everyone with ur golden wrds.....proud to be ur friend.....

  4. Believe in d almighty and hope for d best...nice article dear...keep it up👍

  5. Mind blowing...all of ur predictions are based on the present-to-future situations...really impressed by ur work man!!...keep it up...hope for the best after corona ends..🙏🙏



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