Thursday 4 June 2020


God has created numerous creatures on this earth. Ranging from a microscopic creature like amoeba to the mighty humans, The almighty has has designed everyone according to the needs and the functions that they perform. Out of all these creatures, humans are one of the most developed organisms and have been ruling this earth from a time immemorial. The humans are indeed very powerful and have done deeds which proved their exemplary courage and their ultimate marvel of intelligence and design. They , have done a great deal for this earth and continue to serve this earth. We , humans have all kinds of feeling and we even have sense to distinguish what is right and what is wrong but there is a sense which we all lack and that is compassion for our fellow creatures. We , humans over the years have become just like demons in the mythological stories and trust me, we have no point to say that we are the most developed
            Two days ago , in Kerala , a pregnant Elephant was allegedly served a pineapple stuffed with firecrackers by some local residents and she died after those crackers exploded in her mouth. She abruptly fell into the river and lay cold there. This act was just a mirror of our dirty and brutal sin that we have committed. God made us for the betterment and redemption for this earth but what are we doing ?? We , say that we are the most developed but optimistically , we are nothing more than voracious monsters. Our heart has become very cold indeed and In our race to success and victory , we have gave up all human values and virtues. The Elephant was an innocent one and had done nothing to humans but still she was given a death which was even inhumane and brutal that she would never forgive humans. She had a little baby in her womb which alongside her died before her birth. God , too was very unjust here. If the elephant was innocent and had done no sin, then why didn't he punish those people there only. The voiceless soul was enjoying her water bath in the pool but she didn't knew at all that her hunger would ultimately become the cause of her end. She was a mammoth creature and She was playfully bathing and relaxing in the pool but she didn't get the smell of all that poison that was being cooked by those crazy nuts .
        We are not anymore powerful but instead we have become impulsive and do some acts without even knowing what the consequences would be . We don't have any feelings in our heart and we have no compassion for our fellow creatures. In other words we can say that, due to the presence of humans on this earth , the growth and development of creatures has become uncertain due to which they are becoming extinct and fading away from the geological history of the world. The above incident happened in Kerala in the forests of Mallapuram , where an FIR has been filed against the unidentified people connected to the brutal killing of the pregnant Elephant. The elephant was very brutally killed after which are rigor mortis was taken out from the water body. The local police is on its toes and are trying their best to catch those absent minded people. The elephant may had spent all it's life in fun and frolic may had lived longer , if we hadn't done this sin. After this incident, when I got the news , I was shell shocked and I feared that with the increase of human sins , the lord may punish us and may destroy this whole fraternity and we know this by the pious words of Lord Krishna which he gave as a sermon to the great archer Arjuna during Mahabharat.

"यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥४-७॥

परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे ॥४-८॥"

The humans have became more dangerous and ferocious than any disease or any ghost or spirits. They , themselves are some kind of virus or some insects that are eating up the peace and tranquility of this earth. We worship lord Ganesha , who is considered as the deity who removes all your troubles and problems ('' VIGHNA HARTA) who is also in the incarnation of an elephant. By , assassinating this innocent voiceless soul , we have caused hurt to the almighty Ganesha and have made him unhappy and angry. We , humans need to think a lot on our Karmas and should develop feelings of generosity and compassion for our fellow beings to make this Earth more beautiful to place to live . This whole earth is a global village , where every creature should be kind and show love and care for each other.

Satan Lives In Our Sins

 Those people who have killed this lovely creature should be punished brutally and should be prisoned . Proper investigation must be carried out for the guilty people and we should avenge the death of the departed soul. Let's join hands and lower our heads in respect of the beautiful creature and pay our homage to it.....

" SHAME ON HUMANITY.....😡😡😡😡😡😡"



  1. humanity is endangering........can we stop it before its too late

  2. The world/nature is in danger all because of humans...😞😞

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My heart was really shattered when I heard about such an heartless and emotionless act by humans...there is no more humanity left ����������

  5. Shame on Humanity and Mankind!!😭😬😡

  6. Bful but bitter...❣️❣️❣️🔥🔥



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