Sunday 31 May 2020


SBS Language | Himalayas visible for first time in 30 years as ...The nature is an integral part of our lives. It is a cradle of love, care and affection for all living beings. It is an incarnation of god and just like the almighty , it is the most supreme entity on this earth without whose permission not a single being can do any activity. We are made out of nature and not the nature from us , the fact which we always forget. When we forget , the nature leaves no chance to remind us and hence it shows its destructive side before which the humans are compelled to kneel down. It can be the best to us and at the same time , it can also become the horrific for us. In other words, we should always respect it and never think this earth as our property because ultimately , it is a journey that we have come on to and one day we all have to return to our heavenly abode leaving this property into the hands of its maker , i.e NATURE.
COVID-19 , a voracious outbreak has engulfed the world in its vicious force and has became the epicenter of sorrow and agony though, it has helped the nature to heal up from the wounds that were caused to it by the wild actions of human beings. The lock down imposed all  over the world by the respective ruling governments has just caused the air to become pure and so clean that the birds go around chirping melodiously spreading the message of happiness and joy. The pollution levels have degraded and for the time being , the nature is going through its best times. The roads are silent and the car engines too, the factories are quiet and school laboratories too but it has given a chance to the nature to heal itself up and rise again boldly in the mist of human manifestations. The nature is back, beautifully , singing and speaking and expressing its utmost pomp profoundly. Before the COVID- 19 , it had undergone numerous harassment and brutal  attacks caused to it by its residents. It was almost cold and was dead but , suddenly the almighty gave it a moment to rejoice , unite and live again becoming the part of this ultimate abode once again. In other words, we can say that it has regained its glory and has became more magnificent and beautiful, in its new and varnished state.
                      Considerably, The global warming on the earth has dipped and all other contamination factors such as the carbon emissions and the greenhouse gases are now produced in a very less amount due to which the skies are now cleaner and more healthier to breathe again. The horizon is now no more blurry , it has became clearer and more beautiful than it used to be. The flora and fauna has sprang back to their normal , usual life and the environmental balance has been regained. The whole chain which was disturbed earlier has now been fixed and mended and in such a way that it will supply its warmth and energy even to the eyes unborn. The mountains , now stand proudly flaunting their presence and might to the ones who lay in its feet.

                                                 In the capital, New Delhi, government data shows the average concentration of PM 2.5 plunged by 71% in the space of a week -- falling from 91 microgram per cubic meter on March 20, to 26 on March 27, after the lockdown began. The World Health Organization considers anything above 25 to be unsafe. The concentration of harmful pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide dipped seemingly, leaving the air cleaner and safer to breathe for people. The water bodies now became cleaner and were now looked more attractive as they mirrored the yonder skies elegantly. The marine life was sunken into the joy and they swam swiftly , rolling and gazing the land with gaiety. Himalayas , became visible from distant land and those moments for us was just like a moment to see a shooting star across the sky. In , other words, the whole ecosystem lit up and it became as if some enrgy ran , in its veins. The whole environment became pure again and everyone was dipped into vast expanse of joy, pomp and gaiety...


Thursday 28 May 2020


India and China are one of the fiercest military rivals in the world. They posses one of the best armies in the world. Equipped with some of the most lethal weapons , they posses a strong and resilient army. Both these countries share a disputed international boundary of 3400 km and hence have been facing off each other on different occasions. India and China had two major wars in their history which was indeed a turning point in the future of both the countries which changed the whole complexion of these countries. In the 1962 Sino Indo - China war, China crushed India emphatically and took major portions of India under its control which helped it to expand its territory beyond its normal area. Avenging the victory of China, India thumped China in the 1967 war which proved to be a famous victory for India. India pulled back its two major passes which are really hold a great strategic importance to the country. These two countries have involved in escalation many a times but some of them remain to be  the most flared ones.
        Since, few weeks China's filthy menace has again started . It has invaded some parts of eastern  Ladakh which the Indian armies have responded strongly. We are a peace loving nation and hence we don't want any wars or disputes but China's mischief has compelled to revolt against them and to create an atmosphere of war. Few days back, the Chinese army forcefully entered the area of India's eastern ladakh and has started claiming that portion under its control which is totally wrong and against the laws. The laws are clarified but devil countries like China resist to follow them. China wants to win the world but India is a country which can surely stop it from doing so. Our military excellence has proved it many a times before and i am sure that they wouldn't miss out this time from doing so. China's air force helicopters too tried to invade the Indian territory but the indigenous multi role jet aircraft LCA TEJAS successfully intercepted it and blocked its tactical move . India's territorial army too is doing its job with excellence and has able to stop the opponents outside the Indian border. China's underestimation of India may cost it too much and it may lose its economy as well as the territory.  A constant tension and pressure is building up on the border and the circumstances are heading towards an inevitable war which may break out any moment. India as well as China are trying to anticipate each other's tactical as well as military move and so far India has succeeded in blocking all devil moves of China. Moreover, our stalwart leader Mr Modi has formulated a special task force in anticipation to the war that may break out. The team comprises of India's most courageous men including India's foriegn minister  S Jaishankar , NSA Cheif and India's intelligence and security head Mr Ajit Doval and CDS Maj gen Bipin rawat. These men have a great experience and have showed exemplary courage and valor at times when needed especially during the Doklam stand off and the Pulwama attacks. The IAF (Indian Air Force ) recruited the squadron number 18 and equipped them with the specialised , indigenously built light combat aircraft Tejas and named it as flying bullets. All checks and procedures regarding the squadrons has been done and they are expected to do their work with utmost responsibility and perfection during the adversity although they have proved their valor and fighting exellence before.
  China's honorable president Mr Xi Jinping in a press conference warned his army about the alarming situations developing on the border and straightaway ordered them to prepare for war by gearing up and caring out drills. Xi Jinping , a stalwart leader has lead his country from the front an undoubtedly has brought about a revolutionary change in the Economy of China , which currently stands upon as the second most powerful economy after USA. China has a powerful military and has the capability to crush any military in the world but India's military force has answered it strongly at the needed occasions and I am sure that shouldn't be taking the Indian army lightly. India's relation with China has always been sour and they prove this by the numerous successive stand offs that have taken place in the years passing by. India's diplomacy failed against China who instead has invited India in an aggressive face off . The situations at both sides of the border is not good and tension is building up. Neither of the countries are ready to hold back but especially China's menace must be given a thundering and powerful reply. China has tried to invade the Indian territory many a times and has succeeded in doing so.Arunachal pradesh is a state located in the north eastern frontier of India is claimed by China but somehow the Indian army and the Indo-Tibetian police men have been able to stop China. This time China's plans are to take away Ladakh but it won't be easy at all for it as the Indian army is now ready to give a crushing response to China who are inviting themselves to a baggage of problems.
                         India and China are very powerful countries and have always shared the disputed with or without peace sometimes as a war or sometimes as small stand offs. The escalation caused now at the Ladakh frontiers is mounting gradually and both countries are prepared for a tough Face off . War is not the correct way to solve dispute but instead is called a curse to mankind. If at all the war happens, a tough tussle will take place between two military giants and any country may win. India is always prepared for it and is ready to tackle any situation which comes their way...




Wednesday 27 May 2020


It has been 4 months since this deadly pandemic broke out . We are really missing those honking of vehicles and the shrilling voice of our little wonders. The streets are deserted and so remain the educational institution. This deadly pandemic has grippe the conscience of the common  people and has touched deeply the beautiful springs of our normal making cold everyone who comes in its way. There seems to be absolutely no solution for this pandemic and the cases , as usual continue to rise. Mother earth is healthy and fit again but has made her dear children sorrowful and sick. The whole world is putting up the fight against the virus and each of us is hoping to get rid of this deadly pandemic.
    Countries like UK, China, Japan have started the preparation of the vaccine which recently underwent the clinical examinations and trials  but failed to show any positive signs to fight or cure for this virus. Scientists from all over the world are involved in it but none of them have yet succeed. Everyday , the government is issuing laws, norms and regulations at a daily basis but no solutions seem to come our way. Over 346 thousands deaths in the world, we have come to a halt and so our lives. Many countries are going to face economical crisis in the future and some of them even have started facing it too. Every power is lame and helpless against this deadly pandemic. Every country in the world , though have eased some restrictions in the world but they are of no use and it is causing more harm to them. According to the WHO , the places where the cases have gone down may record a hike and the numbers are very likely to increase. Many Asian as well as European countries have been badly hit and their economy has suffered huge losses. Asian countries like Japan and India have recorded about 5 % decline in their aggregate economy and at the end of this they may come down to a whopping 40 - 45 % which may cause heavy unemployment in the nation and the poverty rate may go higher. This deadly pandemic has disturbed the whole chain  of living on this earth and has made it very difficult for the common man to live. With the hike in the number of cases on a daily basis , the superpowers such as USA , Russia and Italy have ran out of beds in their respective hospitals and don't even have a proper place to dispose of dead bodies . On the other hand countries like India , Bangladesh and united kingdom have done an excellent job in stopping the spread wherein the government of the respective countries has done its job with full responsibility and their citizens itself have risen to the occasion. There are countries which are running short of PPE kits and other medical accessories but there are some countries too who have started making indigeneous kits and the most prominent examples is India , wherein our industries have started preparing nearly 2 lakhs PPE kits daily which in itself is a huge success.
      Though there are some positives  but still we can say that humanity is stuck in a quagmire and time is just passing by . Each moment which passes leaves behind a message of our failure as to how backlogged we are. In-spite of numerous efforts , we have failed to cure this pandemic and now the biggest question arises here which says that "DO WE NEED TO LEAD OUR LIFE ALONSIDE THIS COVID 19 ?? " Since, too much time has passed and we still stand aimlessly in the way of death. It may happen that we may fail to find any solution of it as it seems now and we may have to spend our whole life alongside this deadly pandemic. We are heading towards the worst of consequences, where its beyond human imagination. Even the WHO experts claim that it is 200 % possible , that we may have to live with it . The positive that we can squeeze out of here is the fact that after few years , it will become as normal as tuberculosis and people may not fear as they do now. It will become just like a common cold and flu then and the conditions may improve.
but , In short , the whole world has been severely affected by this deadly " HEALTH DISASTER " and has taken many innocent lives. Its not only the lives that has gone but many people among us have lost their everything, be it money or their home . It has fired all our hopes and dreams and we stand in a situation of utter chaos.

Sunday 24 May 2020


India has been a storehouse of knowledge from a time immemorial. We have been the pioneers of medical science in the world. Great physicians and doctors such as Charaka , Shusruta and dhanvantri have enlighted the path of knowledge and medicinal study for this whole universe. Those great souls did an impossible job and showed this world that the ultimate spirit of experimental study and curiosity is there in us. Their experiments was a turning point in the history of medical sciences of the world and due to their diligence and dedication stands our nation with pride bringing to light, its excellence in the world of pharmacy and research.
                                                  Having a huge population of 125 crore people , India accounts for a the largest manpower nation in the world which undoubtedly provides an extra thrust and boost to our pharma industries. Moreover, our nation produces a large amount of synthetic fibers such as polythene and and other coated minerals which is implemented in the packaging and wrapping of various  capsules and drugs. The best fact lies here that we are producing each drug at a very high speed and exporting to the world at a very low cost which is indeed a defining factor in the global trade. We produce best quality drugs in bulk and export it worldwide , which has helped our country to summon a large amount of revenue. No wonder, India is called the pharmacy of drugs and exports about 40 % of the pharmaceuticals of some of the world's biggest powerhouses. They , may be global winners but India takes care of their health. Our bio technicians and scientists haves shown their diligence as a result of which India has been able to produce one of the finest quality drugs in the world. India is currently the largest provider of generic drugs in the world. It is a home to some of the best pharma companies in the world listing from lupin to cipla which produce some of the finest quality of generic drugs in the world. India gains nearly 40 % of its economical advantage from the pharma industries. The Indian pharma companies have played a crucial role in making India's name in the global arena. They have been very competent throughout and have been able to give a tough competition to world's best pharma companies such as Sanofi and Boheringer . Lupin, which is the leading brands in generic medicine has a yearly turnover of 43,560.95 lakhs and a generates a revenue of $2.55 billion USD  which is a mamoth amount. Other Indian companies such as Cipla, macleoads  continue to do well in the Indian markets and around the world. Moreover, Indian companies have made their mark in the poorer countries by just becoming their saviour. India has exported nearly $ 5 billion to different underdeveloped countries which is expected to grow by nearly 10 % in the coming years.India is the world's largest provider of generic drugs, and as of November in financial year 2020, the country exported pharmaceuticals worth almost eleven billion U.S. dollars. In terms of volume, Indian drugs comprised of 20 percent of the global generic drug exports, out of which North America had the largest share. At the beggining of year 2019 , our exports around the world were nearly 11 % which abruptly jumped by 5-6% at the end of the quarter. The revenue generated by the unified pharma industry in India is massive . The previous year the Indian pharma industries saw a rise of about 28 % of the global markets including USA and China which are two mighty production houses.
                     Keeping in mind, the prevailing conditions of outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19  , there is darkness all around the world, but India pharma companies give  a light of hope to the world. Remdesivir, which is an antiviral drug used in curing Ebola virus , has been said to put up as a provision of the cure of this deadly pandemic. This drug is developed by an American drug  and pharma company Gilead sciences has now given the production task to three Indian companies, which in itself is a matter of pride and redemption for the Indian pharma industries. This is a big task and the Indian industries are expected to be the first one to develop the permanent cure of this pandemic . The reason for giving India , this drug was there in the fact that we produce useful drugs in bulk and at a very low cost such that which is affordable to all countries. The work has started and our scientists are working with full dedication and determination .



Saturday 23 May 2020


India and China are one of the fiercest rivals in the history of the world. Divided by the Himalyan range, both these country hold a position of very high esteem in the international arena. They are one of the most prestigious countries in the world and have astonished the whole world with their explicit defense, tactical and economical skills and plans. Though, both have a rich history but always share a relationship filled with small fights and quarrels at the border. Both countries share a disputed international border whose mystery remains yet to be solved but the long run of extreme competencies , supremacy continues to woe the world.
                                                             India and china , both rivals are very well developed countries. Having one of the best defense warheads , they are one of the strongest countries in the world. China, is an economical superpower whom with its extreme marvel of engineering has produced some of the finest quality of goods and merchandise in the world and undoubtedly accounts for 12.4 % of the world exports. It's exports have ruled the world for many years and continue to do so. China's export has jumped in the last 10 years to a whopping 15 % which is indeed an astonishing number. In other words, we can say that it is a production house for the whole world and the world's best superpowers are dependent on it for numerous goods which are not at all possible to produce in an indigenous manner. Having a 42.3 trillion economy , it has showed this world its economic excellence which it has been able to gain in a very short period of time.
                     Ranging from medical equipments  and  the electronic appliances, China is a storehouse of each and  every single product . Though China is a production powerhouse but it still produces some of the goods which are not up to the mark. It has ultimately robbed the world economy. It has produced some of the goods which are not designed with perfection and quality and has ultimately led to loss of may countries. They have been primarily lacking in the durability which is undoubtedly a defining factor while we purchase goods. Many, huge countries like India, USA ,Russia have suffered losses after trading with china and thus The our nation, India determines to stop the nuisance. India, is an economically a weak country in front of China but still with its die hard attitude has successfully been able to stop China's mission of global victory.India has recently embarked on its campaign of self - reliance where it has the potential to become a production powerhouse surpassing China. India in the last 6 years has manged to increase its GDP rate with an increase to whopping 7.2 %. Moreover, India has a young and varnished population which can take their nation to heights of glory. India, has a huge population and hence has a great manpower due to which we can open production units with maximum result in less no of time. India , is a home to a young creativity which makes it a startup hub in the world . India's startups  have been efficient and have been successful in the past 20 years which is a sign of positivity as well as of longevity. India seems to be growing at a very fast rate which is arguably a bad sign for China's economy. India's economical graph is climbing high day by day. India's production is getting bigger and more vast with every product being manufactured with perfection. India is now a home to one of the largest indigenous products. China's menace is sure to be stopped by the might of our efficient production units. Every Indian now believes that we can now become a production powerhouse. When , we are making our own merchandise then it would be unjust to buy and trade with China. We have to boycott each and every Chinese merchandise slowly and gradually. By our aggressive yet effective nationalism , we can prohibit the the influx of Chinese goods into our country. One day, the whole world will look upon us with pride and satisfaction and will sing the hymn of our glory whereas China will lay in our feet helplessly. The dragon which bragged and kicked India away will now see the power of its unity , togetherness and diligence where we will become the largest production house of the world. Every country will now trade with India and China will be boycotted and neglected in every field.


Friday 22 May 2020


The induction of technology in our lives has made it even bigger, beautiful and more convenient. In fact, it has become a tool without which we can't imagine our lives. It has helped us not only to explore ourselves but create a whole new world of ultimate fascination and imagination wherein humans have gone to the farthest point, beyond everyone's imagination, The technological advancements , maybe small or big have brought about a revolutionary change in our lives which has undoubtedly became the basis of our evolution and progression. Technology has been hidden in every bit of our lives and we get so easily attracted by this mamoth discovery.
                                                                        Technology  is usually manifested in two ways. They are either in the form of apps or devices where the multiple breathtaking and mind boggling apps have taken edge over the different devices.
Application software (app for short) is a program or group of programs designed for end users. Examples of an application include a word processor, a spreadsheet, an accounting application, a web browser, an email client, a media player, a file viewer, simulators, a console game or a photo editor. The collective noun application software refers to all applications collectively.[1] This contrasts with system software, which is mainly involved with running the computer.
Applications may be bundled with the computer and its system software or published separately, and may be coded as proprietary, open-source or university projects.[2] Apps built for mobile platforms are called mobile apps.These different kinds of apps are an excellent example of the marvel of technological development and engineering. They have just transformed our life from one end to other which is beyond human imagination.
                                                                 Most of the countries like India , China, USA are technologically well developed and our moving at a very fast pace. China and USA are currently ruling the technological arena wherein they have developed some of the best quality apps. Facebook, whatsapp and Instagram are the apps developed by America and are one of the finest social media platforms. On the other hand, China developed an app called TikTok which through its weird and funny name gave us an idea of its productivity.
                         The app was founded by Zhang Yiming in 2012 which within a decade wreaked havoc among youngsters who were very much fascinated by this rubbish app. Having a senseless and rude content this app offers nothing more than to bore you. Some of us may find it very interesting but ultimately it should be banned in the whole world. It has filthy contents which instead of  causing help or bringing change in our life , spreads the sense of hatred and violence among our people which is very dangerous to the integrity of the country. The app has just created a nuisance among the people of this whole world. All age groups are enjoying this app , which just kills your time by showcasing a bullshit content. Children are getting involved in this activity which is just killing their their precious time of playing outdoor games. People, make videos on it which is just meaningless and causes impeachment of your physical as well as mental development. Many people also that it helps to bring out your talent of acting which according to me is a wrong notion. The people who make videos using the app have nothing of their own, but just like senseless copycats, they use the feature called lip sync. According to me, just by any artificial lip sync and some landscape or background effects , no person can become an actor. It requires high skills of dedication and passion towards that heroism. Moreover, this app has caused a huge controversy in our country wherein the whole community has been divided into two sects. They are fighting and quarreling, which for sure is a obstacle for the country's progress. The people who really posses talents are left behind and people with materialistic talents move ahead just because of a mere, catastrophic app.
                          Everyday, I receive many forwarded TikTok videos, which through fake and unreal contents are causing deadly fights and a sense of fear among people. They have fake contents and spread such rumors which have long lasting effects on the citizens. People are getting deceived and they are not able to know and enquire and gather knowledge about the correct thing.



Thursday 14 May 2020


India has been know for its rich cultural heritage and diversity from a time immemorial. Unity in diversity and togetherness has been the basis for our progression. During, the medieval period, our nation was at its peak where we had the the world's best scholar and scientist who through their rich knowledge endowed this country and the world with some of the finest theories. But as time progressed, our nation was cwtched in the hands of many foreign invaders who plundered our rich wealth and our degradation started then, For, many years , we remained helpless and our progression had been badly hit. There was an ominous power which was reeling in the country and our unity had suddenly been shaken.
                                   India's manufacturing units were defenestrated and invaders  took over and established their industries which was a huge loss for the nation. Earlier, what we use to develop ourselves was now being manufactured by the enemies. India's economy was dashed in dirt and our dreams of becoming a powerhouse was shattered badly. Though may great leaders tried to regain its glory by inducing numerous indigenous schemes and gadgets , but failed against the might of the invaders. After independence , we were free and gradually , we started regrouping our unity and started the progression march.
                                                With the starting of this 20th century, our nation saw some stalwart leaders who with their full might and power started pulling the country on the path of greatness and longevity. They, sacrificed everything for our country and helped us to make our name in the international arena. Till, 2004 Shri Atal Vihari Vajpayee led the country with sheer grit and determination. Under his guidance and leadership , India became a nuclear country with the succesful testing of the nuclear bomb in pokhran in 1998. After his resignation, India has received Mr Modi as , a great leader who, i am sure is working quite well for the country. Under his excellent leadership, India conquerd new military heights where we have developed some of the best UAVs and fighter jets . DRDO , our defence agency has produced some of the mind boggling weapons, including some of the high class air to air missiles and air interception and sensing units. We , as a nation are advancing with a good pace and we are sure to become a powerhouse.
                                         In defence and tactical units , our nation proudly stands with some of the world's best countries. India , still lacks a good production units and has able export about 1percent out of the total in the world. We , need to pace up the production and  supply units and should also mantain the indigenous quality of the products. We have to advertise more and more about the products of our companies which will help to boost their confidence which will provide log lasting and effective result.
                               When we talk about industries, Our nation is the home to one of the finest industries in the world where we provide and export top quality products refined with the amazing technologies. Textile,automobile , service sectors and electronics are one of the most competent and advanced industries in the world which currently are part of 50% of India's economy. We have been able to fight out even the best companies in the world and are ranked in the top 10. The quality of automobiles and the fabrics made in our country is one the finest of its type and have leaders at the world level.
               Seeing, this enormous amount of invention and technological advancement in the counrty, we can say that the sparkling future of our country is not far away. We , as an ultimate nation will work diligently nad help our nation to accomplish and acheieve the beautiful dream of an "ATMA NIRBHAR BHARAT".



 The second wave of the COVID-19 virus has completely engulfed the whole nation again and it seems as if the dark days of sorrow , fear and ...