Saturday 29 February 2020


The whole world contains a variety of people which hail from different regions and they have a contrast in tradition, cultures, language and many other different things but we all stand unified and consolidate ourselves for a better future. All of us want to be one and want to be united so that we can face even the toughest of times. There is one thing is this whole world known as “RELIGION” which instead of guiding mankind to goodness, it has made us rivals and know we have become so cruel that we even want to kill each other.
             The examples of the so called “RELIGIOUS WARS” are seen today itself in our nation India in the northeastern frontiers of the capital Delhi. People of the region are badly suffering and the life of laymen has been derailed completely, off from their mean and simple course of their life. It is very disheartening for us to know that our nation India, which is an epitome of culture and especially “UNITY IN DIVERSITY” is now a home to religious protests and wars between Muslims and Hindus. The Muslims and the Hindus have engaged into a deadly fight which has costed over more than 42 precious lives. Especially, the Hindus dwelling in that region are very afraid and they have lost all their peace and tranquility. Innocent people from both sides are being slain very brutally which is very horrific and it is very hard to believe that people of our nation are fighting for such a mere thing like religion. Houses are relentlessly being destroyed and people are rendered homeless. The situations are becoming bad to worse day by day and even the forces deployed there are finding it much difficult to control and handle the situation.
      This religion is a pious entity but it has just made mankind worse and even more horrific just beyond our imagination. It is just like the path which guides us to almighty and the spiritual power but in the current scenario, it has become a basis on which people fight and quarrel and prove their power in the society. Today, it has almost lost all its purity and cleanliness. In this beautiful world, the religion has brought ugliness and negativity where people fight and quarrel.
At last, we can so sadly that religion is not pure anymore and we can only regret for it


  1. Superb snehal bhai ............great thinking power hatsoff

  2. Its true wht u said but in any kindof riots till now the blunders are maid by muslims first .. in any part of the world u can see like in london at the london bridge muslims jihaadis shot christains in Afghanistan there were many gurudwars they all demolished them in pakistan the muslim people of lahore side are still raping hindu and sikh girls ..
    Wht i am trying to say wherever muslims are in majority u will observe some years later the population of the minority sinks drastically and wherever they are minority they have a lot of issues and in delhi riots i first wanna tell u that it was not riot it was a war led by the muslims for caa and nrc
    And literally whenever there is a riot the muslims are the action forces and hindus are always the reaction force to complete the pair
    However this is the sad truth because 99 percent of muslims are misguided by their hadees quran and religious extremists



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