Saturday 10 April 2021


 The second wave of the COVID-19 virus has completely engulfed the whole nation again and it seems as if the dark days of sorrow , fear and apprehension are back. The cases have been rising continuously for the last 2 weeks and we have been officially informed that this is the second wave of the virus which would turn out to be deadlier and more atrocious. With the cases spiking above 1 lakh 20 thousand , state governments have started imposing certain minor yet important restriction in order to curb the rate of infectivity. The virus this time around has quite a high mutancy as well as infectivity rate and thus it proves to be 3 times deadlier than the previous one. However , its quite agonizing that we haven't taken lessons from the previous wave which is the major cause of this virus prevailing and dwelling again. People are roaming on roads without masks , gatherings and parties are being organized , curfews and lockdowns are not being properly followed and above all offline exams having the physical presence of students are being undertaken.

                  The previous wave had wreaked havoc across the whole nation and keeping in mind the severity of the situation , the Central government had imposed complete lockdown across the whole nation as a result of which the schools along with major coaching institutes had been shutdown and we witnessed a new way of education - namely the very famous "Online classes" . Amid the rising fear , the Board examinations had been cancelled and the minor exams which were to be given by students were conducted online. The online classes had brought or caused a lot of confusion in our young minds , however , they courageously fought the challenging situation and came out of it from which it was clear that the clarity of concepts and studies they should gain was not there . The previous year when the cases on a daily basis where merely crossing 500 , all exams across university and even the board were cancelled but this present year when the situation has gone out of hand and is even more dangerous than the previous one , the cases have just shot up sky high and our touching the giant number of 20-30,000 daily then our education ministry and the Government has some other plans. In spite of knowing the fact that the situation this time around is more severe and dangerous , the education boards have clearly rejected the proposal of students to cancel the exams and have firmly declared the time-table would remain unchanged which to me and all those 5 lakhs students looks utterly ridiculous and peculiar. Needless to say , this refusal or the ignorance can lead to drastic consequences as they are clearly staking the life of millions of young ignited minds out there. They have given assurances that they would take care of the safety of students and all protocols would be followed which again is a vague or in words a meaningless statement keeping in mind the fact , that celebrities , actors and politicians , who consume numerous healthy foods , practice fitness regimes and wear regularly their masks and shields regularly are getting positive , then how can we be safe when we follow such a simple or rather say an "insecure" lifestyles. The schools across the nation had re-opened during the December-January season and it was promised to the parents that they would take care of all safety measures but despite all those fake assurances , numerous students were tested positive and that too in large groups. Just for 6 hours , their whole week was ruined and many of them lost their lives too, Moreover , 2020 was the most challenging year , and that too especially for students where there was no direct or physical means for class , not a single class for doubts . They never gained clarity in the concepts they were reading. Sitting before phones , laptops and computers had strained their eyes. Less than 20% of knowledge would have gotten into their heads and above all , many of them didn't had access to even this 20 % , then how can the Council expect the students to write exams in an offline mode. When we studied on Zoom , then why should we give exams in rooms. Is it fair ?? Does it make sense?? What would be the effect on our performances?? Can the Council , for god sake answer my simple questions. There are different kinds of students including the bright , dull or the average students . For bright students which mainly include the toppers are well versed and prepared for the exams since they have an edge over other students in their concentration and grasping power but for those who are average or mediocre or poor students , it becomes very difficult for them t o manage in the situation like this and thus to give respect to the skill and knowledge of all students and equal platform free of prejudice must be made. To be very honest and frank , we are not at all prepared for an Offline Boards because it's clear that we don't have right guidance , a right strategy to score well. A disorganized study plan can never bring you laurels but what matters to the Council is just a meaningless demand of Offline Boards. 

       According to our beloved Prime Minister , exams are just a small part of our lives and we shouldn't much bother about it , then why don't you cancel if its a small part ? Apart from all these stuff , on the exam day we would be engulfed in anxiety , tension , fear and sky high nervousness , it would be extremely humid and then also , we would have to sit with our masks on for about 3 hours or even more than that. In this kind of drastic situation , where every student is facing the odds , then how is it possible to score good. Mental ability or state is the one fact which would play a big role here and undoubtedly we all would under immense mental pressure which would surely affect our retentive power and our output on the answer sheets. Every single year , apart from this year , the Board exams have been conducted in a healthy , peaceful and tranquil environment as a result of which the results have been quite amazing but to our very surprise , why is the injustice being done to the 2020-21 batch only , It should be equal for all.

Keeping in mind , the severity of the situation , If any student tests positive for COVID-19 , then who would take the responsibility of that child. Moreover , if has tested positive , then its quite apparent that the infection would have already affected thousands. A child would come to the exam hall to attend the exams but apparently , he would putting to risk the lives of all his family members , including his siblings and old people if present any. The situation is very demanding and is utterly serious. Any impulsive action can lead to devastating effects.

We all know that the situation out there is adverse and it is going to become like a hell in the coming days . Though Vaccines have been introduced , the high mutancy rate of the virus has almost made it invincible . We need to take precautionary measure in order to break the chain of infection which would possible only when we observe "Corona-curfew" for few days and remain inside homes. Stepping outside our home , would keep our family at a high risk of being infected thus



 The second wave of the COVID-19 virus has completely engulfed the whole nation again and it seems as if the dark days of sorrow , fear and ...