Friday 2 October 2020



India is a land where the ancestral teachings suggests that women are a source of Divine power and tranquility. Women in our nation are known to be "shakti" . The Hinduism teachings too suggests that long time back, we had goddesses incarnated in different forms and this is what we worship today. In spite of all these teachings , preachings and valuable doctrines what we are doing is absolutely shameful .What's happening in our society is just beyond imagination and is so disgusting that we fell shame when we speak it.But Can you imagine as to whom are being made the targets of this ultra - shameful act?? Considerably , women are being made the victims of this shameful act. Our nation , was once profound of the very fact , that we respected women , we kept them safe but the current scenario is just opposite to what it was said. 

   ARE THE REAL ARCHITECTS OF SOCIETY SAFE ? – diksha177                

  In our society today , Women are not at all safe, they are being physically assaulted and raped brutally and what their families gain is nothing but , an indemnity and that too in the form of fake promises and fake resignations from the post by politicians.Once , our society was an epitome of exceptional safety of woman but its fortunes have declined , unnoticed. There was a time , when they used to roam freely at nights but now , since those monsters are out , they can't . These innocent women have become one of the most untouched section of the society about which nobody cares for.They have been deprived and held inferior as a result of which these rapes and assaults are increasing day-by-day. There is no punishment for the culprits and they are allowed to roam freely around our homes , making the envoirnment full of apprehension and fear. These ugly chaps are mad people who live into their own world and they are devoid of souls and a heart . They don't respect even their own mothers and sisters. They are not doing a simple act but instead they are commiting sins for which they would be damn'd and it would take them indefinite births to wash off from their shoulders the misdeed they are doing. The people who do so , are not even animals , as animals have a heart but instead they are monsters in real life . The act which they are doing is against all doctrines and teachings , In fact , its against the rich cultural heritage of our nation but suprisingly , the judiciary of our nation , is just overlooking these and is saying it as "PETTY CRIMES". It has dozzed off and is now snoring .

Debate on women safety turns ugly in Lok Sabha- The New Indian Express                        

Safety of women in India | GENUINE MATTERS

    What should women do now ?? Where should they go , if the judicial system in their country is so weak and poor ?? Should they continue to become the victims of their dreadful act ??When one would ask this question to the Central Government including our hon'ble PM and President , I am sure they won't utter a word and zip up their mouths because we all know how this whole system runs , full of corruption and false acts . We have huge budgets for the guarding the borders of the nation but can't our government invest for the safety and integrity of the women ?? Well that's a huge question for our government and I am sure they would find some lofty Hindi words and would promote a spokesperson to disguise the public. Today , we all know , nations like CHINA , USA , FINLAND , CANADA , RUSSIA AND SWITZERLAND are regarded as one of the safest for women in the earth. They have a strict execution system and one who is found guilty would be punished with extreme force and brute harshness , as a result of which , no one even dares to look up to women and I , as a responsible citizen and an integral part of this democracy demand a system even more harsh than this where the culprits must be "PUBLICLY HANGED" OR MUST BE "BEHEADED". I know that many politicians or people would  say it too harsh or inhumane but before saying this just remember the pain and sufferings of our sisters which they suffer when they are victimized . It's a democracy , we all know , but when the system is unified and the judicial system acts under full dictatorship , then no one will even dare to stare upon women. Remember folks , this is the land where the whole "MAHABHARATA" and "RAMAYANA" was fought , just for the sake of integrity , safety and individual rights of the women and thus we should learn from the history where Women were treated close to gods . We need to go back in time and imbibe good things .

                   Punishments would help to create and conjure a fear , terror and horror in the culprits and they would always think twice and thrice before committing shameful acts. Not only punishments , but a proper education regarding self - defence must be imparted and it should be made a compulsory subject for every single women in the nation. They are few reformers in our nation who are on to this great act and they have organised work shops for it. Women are our pride and they shall always remain so , and thus it's our duty to safeguard there rights and respects . Taking out processions and holding candled would do no good but quick and effective actions would help to eradicate these devil actions from our society. Spreading awareness of women safety is good but practical approach along with processions make it a compact National movement. The government and Our judiciary must devise methods and systems so that we can stop those shameless people from committing these shameful acts again.

          Women should become strong too, they should walk with with pride without any fear and apprehension in their minds because a strong and confident mind is the way to quick and effective decisions and actions.....

We can't bear these anymore and thus , we must stand united against this social evil. Let's provoke the Government and Judicial system and bring about an end to these by slaying the sinners and wrongdoers.


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