Saturday 18 July 2020


Facebook Buys 9.99% Stake in Reliance Jio for Rs 43,574 Crore ...
Over the Past few years , Indian tech companies have come up roaring in the global electronic market. From manufacturing to export , Indian tech companies have turned their fortunes and now have a huge chance of gaining glory in the Global market which was once lost. Indian companies like Reliance , Airtel, Infosys and HCl have succeeded in many ways to prove their mettle and our now working diligently to help the growth of the vision DIGITAL INDIA. Moreover , the immense growth of these companies in the private sector is a good sign and thus they hope to be the best in the world. India's mammoth consumer base has aided these companies due to which they have been able to summon a huge revenue over the years. Foreign investments are large in number and they have stooped towards these companies seeing their expanded workspace . India's revenue share is vested on to these companies and thus they are expected to perform well in the upcoming days.
   How mobile manufacturing made the most of 'Make in India'

Samsung Factory Noida: World's largest mobile manufacturing ...
   When it comes to usage of Mobile phones and gadgets , India accounts for nearly 600 Million users thus making it as a largest consumer base in the world . Interestingly , these numbers are twice that of USA's population of 300 Million people. Foriegn Tech giants such as Apple , Motorola , Samsung and Xiaomi have invested their huge revenue into the Indian tech industry and they have been paid back well. India's large manufacturing bases and R&D has helped those countries to manufacture in the bulk due to which India has now overtaken China in terms of Production of Mobile phones. The presence of a large man power , perfect workspace and Mechanized industry has helped India to become the largest manufacturer of Phones in the world. Laptops and Computers are not only assembled but also our manufactured in India with a proper research system. These facts seem to be quite surprising for criticizers and non - believers but they defy the truth of The hidden potential of the Indian Tech industries. Few decades ago , it was nearly impossible to manufacture gadgets in India but thanks to a fine Infrastructural development which helped the nation to conquer new milestones. Various Indian tech giants , through their exciting schemes and programs have fire powered India's digital economies and thus have helped to attract numerous tech giants such as Google , Facebook and whatsapp towards India. India is a home to the largest smartphone manufacturing unit which is located in Greater noida and is set up by Samsung . Mobile phones including all their chips and boards are properly manufactured including numerous programs for Research and Development . Moreover , assembly lines set up by various companies are being converted into full fleged manufacturing units due to which India now competes globally in the smartphone markets. Digital India has been the vision by our PM and India has succeded in it where companies like Airtel and Reliance have worked diligently in setting up Internet towers in many remote areas of the nation. Moreover , they have even distributed mobile phones to numerous downtrodden and poor people which has added to the Literacy rate in the country , where every single villager has become skilled by gathering information from the Internet and various other means. Due to large scale manufacturing , the government has raised huge digitization funds to promote the vision of Digital India. The whole nation is progressing on the axis of a supreme Digital infrastructure and we hope to touch the skies with more inevntions and innovations.

The Story of The Success of Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited - Telcob      

    Reliance Jio headed by Mr Mukesh Ambani , is an Indian juggernaut in the tech space across the globe. With it's amazing , homegrown digitalized discoveries , it has empowered the nation onto the path of enlightment. It has partnered with some of the best companies in the world and now is working with pace , to develop some of the best digital infrastructure across the nation . Over the years , its amazing growth is worthy of appreciation . It manufactures and distributes its products all over the nation and every single citizen of India is proud of it. This single company has laid the foundation of Self Reliant India in the tech space and we are very sure to achieve it. It accounts for a total income of Rs 1, 148 crore which is indeed a mammoth amount. In a recent meeting , Jio has announced some of the biggest digitization boost to the nation as it moves on to see India as the global leaders in Telecommunication Department . Introducing , some of the most amazing ventures , the Jio announced induction of High class , homegrown 5G technologies across the nation and also announced the arrival of low cost 5G mobile phones , with a joint venture with Google . AR also known as augmented Reality is going to be brought into the market by this company in the form of Hi-Tech glasses  which would be affordable by every citizen of this nation. This company has faced many hardships but fought back thus stirring the nation towards a path of glory and will continue to do so.
          India's immense success in the tech arena has stunned the world and the youth power of the nation is committed to it. This has also provided a space for numerous digitalized start ups which have a huge potential in the future . Start ups like EXPLORIDE , FRB labs and My Didi have conquered global success and are ranked at the top in Asia's start ups . Over the past few years , companies have shown huge faith in the potential of the nation and hence we have been manufacturing a good amount of Electronics which are also exported.
                          It's very easy to say that The nation has not developed its Digital Infrastructure over the past few years but on diving deep into facts that every sector in the nation is now digitalised and we move on breaking our steps forward. Education , engineering , Aviation are some sectors where digitalization has helped to made some of the most vast development which in earlier days looked impossible. India's digital R&D has also made progress over the years and we have produced some new supercomputers and microprocessors which are in use in many fields. India over the years has developed nearly 5 best supercomputers in the world and many more are yet to to be developed. India's microprocessor named as "SHAKTI" is a marvel of engineering which is developed by IIT Madras. It's newer prototypes are under development are soon to be introduced. Digitalisation has also provided a boost to Rocket science and space reasearch where India has developed some of the finest combat drones and UAVs ranging from DRDO'S "ABHYAS" to THE COMBAT DRONE "RUSTOM" .

                  There are many people who underestimate India's tech market but India's success and progress is a firm answer to them. We all look forward to more innovations in the future and I am sure the giants are working on it . In other words , India has moved a lot and its amazing development has stunned the world upon which every tech giant looks. It's emergence has inspired many and will surely continue to kindle the flames of diligence and practical application in youths around the world


Saturday 4 July 2020


5 Ways Online Classes Are Better Than Classroom Training
With the closure of schools and various educational institutions across the country , the direct teaching learning process that used to be done in classrooms has come to a halt. Numerous students are stranded inside their homes and they don't have a proper way to continue their learning process. In the past few months , educational institutions have come up with a new way to continue the teaching learning process which is popularly known as the " ONLINE CLASSES" . In this method devised by them , the students as well as teacher would collaborate on various video calling apps where the teacher would send all the study material and we have to learn from them. This new way of teaching has become so popular in our country  that it has became like a slogan for every single student residing in this nation. Though , these online classes are a creative way of learning , but in my notion , are not beneficial for the students owing to their health , concentration and economical condition.
7 Tips to Make Your Online Learning More Productive - Vista College                                   The online classes are a good alternative for the direct teaching learning process and are much safer amid the outbreak of the pandemic but still are not the right way in which this process should be proceeding. Firstly , they are done from home due to which the student is not getting the right environment and circumstances to carry on with their studies as various other activities are being carried out alongside during the study time. In schools and colleges , the environment used to be totally different and had the right conditions to adapt to a learning process. At home , it becomes really difficult to cope up with 6 long hours of continuous learning and studying which indeed grips the students with extreme stress and anxiety. Moreover, the students go through extreme mental pressure as there are no or very less breaks provided to them  by the schools . It makes them feel very boring and monotonous due to which they end up in talking rudely to their elders , parents and family members at home. These shortcomings are never addressed by the institutions which makes the students to loose the concentration and thus , they miss out the bullet points during the study or class of a particular subject. This online learning process has least benefits as we aren't able to imbibe what is being taught in class owing to which , the students may end up in bringing poor marks in terminal as well as final examinations. The extreme pain and agony which the students undergo are denied by their parents as if nothing has happened and often refuse to talk to their children . This may cause a huge impact on the minds of those young kids and may become a prime cause of mishap. During , this pandemic , living inside homes , especially foe children has become an extremely tough task and they can't resist anymore. Due to lack of physical and mental exercise and games , their mind becomes brittle like a heap of sand which makes their daily routine even more hectic and stressful

Is Online the Future of Education?
    Amid this lock down, online classes to lower or lower middle class parents and students has become like a heavy load on their economical conditions . This process requires many kinds of vague expenses which those poor people can't afford but still hold a hope to see their children studying in huge universities. This whole learning process requires numerous expensive equipments accounting for laptops , computers , mobile phones and a good internet service which is undoubtedly , is unaffordable for them and is just like a dagger being plunged into their back. Those people are overseen by the institutions and thus , they have to spend a lot of money which is far beyond their family budget. Those people keep sones on their heart and work tirelessly for their children but our education system is just lying on their couches , lazily , gazing everyone who passes by. There are many students who are dwelling in the remote areas of the country where internet services are not good due to which they fail to study properly during the study hours. They miss their classes and are thrown , way behind the ongoing stream of the syllabi. Internet is one of the biggest barrier for the students amid these Online classes where most of the children fail to cope up with their studies owing to a poor internet service and buffering videos and audios after they are sent by their respective subject teachers. It looks very simple and easy for those who are rich but the real pain is bear by those who are poor and can't afford these things.

Teaching Online During A Pandemic Is Hard, And It's Harder For ...

What will the coronavirus do to the internet?

          The online classes are proceeding without a proper planning and thus are not systemically done. Teachers , without much thinking assign too much work to the students in a single period which is indeed way beyond their reach in a single reach . We respect and salute the efforts of our great teachers but their impulsive actions becomes a reason for our agony . Every institution in the nation should devise a system or a limit for every subject so as the teachers can send a limited amount of materials in a given period of time. Moreover , sitting for long hours in front of Laptops and mobile phones carries a huge danger for the health of each child and must be taken care of by the schools . It may dearly cost them their eyes and other delicate body parts which may be affected due to this wrong method learning . It is really a huge hazard to the life of the young sensations and shouldn't be denied by the parents . If possible , the schools and the organizers must devise short breaks for every student which will help him to recover from the fatigue caused to the body.



 The second wave of the COVID-19 virus has completely engulfed the whole nation again and it seems as if the dark days of sorrow , fear and ...