Friday 20 March 2020


Indian industries respond enthusiastically to TDBs invitation for ...In the current times, the whole world is going through its darkest phase. The deadly outbreak has now reached to its supremacy and has affected more than 170 countries in the world. All across the globe, there is death, dismay and destruction.The whole world is mourning and is distressed in this bad times. The, only way to protect ourselves from the virus attack is to follow the advisory and some important precautionary measures which are being repeatedly appealed by the government and other world health organisations.
                                      Campaign: Kamdhenu Paints joins the fight against Coronavirus ...

                                         Where most of the countries seem to have laid down in front of this mighty virus, India continues to fight these virus with unity, bravery and courage. Our, nation  has now joined hands and with togetherness and unity , we would surely defeat this virus. Just the day before, our honorable Prime minister addressed the whole nation regarding the prevention of this deadly outbreak. He absolutely nailed it and with his blistering and sparkling speech filled our heats with courage and bravery. Though simple, yet an effective 9 pointer brief talk helped us to gather courage and positive thoughts in the face of adversity. His speech made the whole nation proud and filled everyone eyes with sparkling hope instead instead of gleam and sorrow. The , nine pointer advisory issued by the PM  was really an effective one and contained some of very simple yet very emphasizing precautionary measures which would surely help us to overcome this difficulty. His world were like those beautiful rose flowers which were encouraging people even in such difficult times.He, tied all of us in the knot of unity and courage and with his flaring world arose in us the power to fight this disease steadily.
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                                               After, his speech every Indian was filled with the thought of courage and bravery and is now fully equipped to face this adversity. His , valuable message  of "RESOLVE AND RESTRAINT" was the sign of exemplary planning and thinking . Our pm , also appealed to the citizen to take part in a "JANTA CURFEW" which aims at quarantining all citizens for at least 7 hours. By doing this, he spreads the message of social distancing and tells us to avoid all sorts of gathering. Our country is now united and we stand really proud of our leader and people. 

   Apart from social distancing and personal hygiene, we have to take care and avoid all kinds of fake and unreal news clips carrying message about the vaccination discovered for the virus. These clips are totally fake and they don't have any real meaning. They are primarily spreading in our country by the means of social media. We have to spread awareness about this and stop the circulation of such messages throughout the country.
                        Let's be responsible citizens and join our hands in this reformation movement against the virus outbreak. As responsible citizens , we have to have a positive mindset and should contribute for the betterment of the country by taking part in the "JANTA CURFEW". 

                                                                LET'S BEAT CORONA

                                                                LET'S STAND FOR THE WORLD

Thursday 19 March 2020


In the current scenario, the humans have become highly vulnerable to diseases. Everyday or the other , the humans are battling it out for survival and hence we need to find a permanent solution for it. Instead of stooping or preventing them, we are exposed to deadly diseases just because our own silly habits and mistakes. We have adopted all sorts of bad habits and etiquette which , one or the other day are going to be the prime reason for our destruction.

                                 From, the past two and a half months, the whole world is battling a deadly breakout of a group of deadly disease causing virus named as the "NOVEL CORONA VIRUS". These virus are a group of pathogens which cause diseases in birds and animals. They primarily cause the respiratory tract infections which prove to be very lethal and fatal in their rarer stages as MERS, SARS AND COVID-19. 
                                     This disease was first detected in the city of Wuhan , a city of china located in the Hubei province. Since then, it has wreaked havoc in almost 70 countries killing more than 3000 people across the globe. Countries like INDIA, ITALY, CHINA and SPAIN have been badly affected and there has been a complete lock down in the respective cities of each country. It is at a very critical stage at this point of time and necessary precautionary measure may come handy this time. The whole world is in a state of total mess and it is becoming gradually difficult for us to cope up with this deadly disease. Not only the health, but the economy of the whole world has been badly hit and many countries are suffering a severe downfall these days. The travel department is severely hit as most of the people out there have self quarantined themselves. Since, the tourism department has been completely shut down , the different luxurious hotels are going through a complete drought. Especially in India , the sensex has gone down , below the 28,000 mark  and it is below 1800 points amid the high volatility in the market. Many, great and huge business companies like myntra, jabong and all other IT sectors have been  shut down. The Indian film industry, this season suffered great losses as most of the cinema halls, multiplexes have been shut due to the ongoing emergency

   As time progresses, the no of fatalities and cases continue to rise as a result of which there is terror, fear and panic among the citizens. The masks , sanitizers and other required medical equipments have been vanished from the market and people are struggling to find them. Every state in India is finally progressing towards total shut down. The streets are deserted and hence they tell us the mournful tale of the merriment of mankind which has now been overcast by the clouds of this deadly outbreak.We should not be afraid but we should keep ourselves calm and fight this deadly monster. 


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